Start collecting feedback

Learn how to quickly get started.

FeatureCat is all about collecting user feedback and providing your customers with the best possible product. User feedback comes by way of the public feedback board for your app, where your apps’ users can vote on features, leave comments, and submit suggestions.

All about that feedback

To start collecting feedback, first you’ll need to create a product in FeatureCat to create feedback for, configure the public board and apply your branding, set up the integration for FeatureCat Authentication, and create a first feature to receive votes and comments.

  1. Create Product

Head to Products in FeatureCat to create your first product in FeatureCat for the app or product you want to collect feedback for. Add your product’s name and choose a FeatureCat URL, where the public board should be hosted.

  1. Configure public board

Go to your product’s settings in FeatureCat and configure your product branding (uploading an icon for your app), set your branding colors for the public board, and customize the copy shown on the board. Read more in the Public Board 101.

  1. Set up your integration

The public boards are publicly available at the specified domain (your chosen product URL), but feature voting, feedback submissions, and comments, are only possible for authenticated users. You’ll need to integrate FeatureCat Authentication to sign in and authenticate your apps’ users. Jump here to take a look at integration options.

  1. Create your first feature

On the FeatureCat Dashboard, create your first feature by giving it a title and a short description, and make sure to make it publicly available.

That’s it 🚀

Next article: The FeatureCat Dashboard

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